Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Who IS Bush's Base?

I had no idea who Bush's base is, so I decided to ask the Internet
and wanted to share the first page of the response and let you draw your own conclusions:

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Results 1 - 10 of about 1,280,000 for who is Bush's base (.22 seconds)

World Can't Wait Drive Out the Bush Regime - Comparing Bush to ...
And yet, at no time in history has the "faith-based" sector commanded more ... Besides his unconscionable support for Hitler, Niemoller made a second major ...worldcantwait.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=560&Itemid=184 - 49k - Cached - Similar pages

Bush Family Funded Adolf Hitler
To sum up, the authors categorically state that the Bush family's fortune arose as a result of its unconditional support for Adolph Hitler's political ...www.rense.com/general40/bushfamilyfundedhitler.htm - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

Base Bush and Bush's Base TPMCafe
The magic has worn thin, but never forget that base Bush is the voice of Bush’s base. ... argument that art is bad because it drove Hitler to kill millions. ...www.tpmcafe.com/blog/bookclub/2006/sep/13/base_bush_and_bushs_base - 77k - Cached - Similar pages

Base Bush and Bush's Base TPMCafe
The magic has worn thin, but never forget that base Bush is the voice of ... Whatever one says of Lenin and Hitler, they weren't in that kind of delirium. ...bookclub.tpmcafe.com/blog/bookclub/2006/sep/13/base_bush_and_bushs_base - 67k - Cached - Similar pages

Wayne Madsen: Bush and Hitler, the Unappetizing Similarities
Even Hitler did that." Bush, who is content to win the support of ... Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and columnist. ...www.counterpunch.org/madsen01312003.html - 24k - Cached - Similar pages

Wayne Madsen Report - Home
Israel and Pakistan, non-NPT signers and both supported militarily by the Bush regime, do not permit IAEA or any other outside inspections of their nuclear ...www.waynemadsenreport.com/ - 191k - Cached - Similar pages

Radio Blogger
Do enough people in the West realize this generation's Hitler when we see it unfold in real time? ... Does CNN normally carry all of George Bush's speeches? ...www.radioblogger.com/ - 111k - Cached - Similar pages

State of the Union speech: Bush declares war on the world
Like Hitler, Bush presents an upside-down view of the world in which small ... on the part of the extreme right elements that make up Bush’s political base, ...www.wsws.org/articles/2002/jan2002/bush-j31.shtml - 20k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] Newfoundland Endorses Public Education Bush Pushes Faith-Based Agenda
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML80 to 79 to block a Bush administration-backed effort to have the UN. body approve a “faith-based” ban on all human cloning. Many coun-. tries would support ...www.arlinc.org/newsletters/arlwinter03.pdf - Similar pages

The Next Hurrah: Katrina: Limits of Polling Or Limits Of Bush's Base?
I think your analysis of the problem Bush's base feels is also accurate. ... Facist rings American's bells by calling up images of Hitler's marching legions ...thenexthurrah.typepad.com/the_next_hurrah/2006/08/katrina_limits_.html - 60k - Cached - Similar pages

William Bennett, addicted gambler (what is it with these Christians and the casinos?)

Scalia the judge who helped orchestrate the placement of Bush.

Big Oil the American mafia controlling the White House

Eight billion is missing from the Iraq reconstruction fund, wanta bet a chunk of it is in Republican coffers for re-s(election)?

How about voting for anyone BUT the encumbant - it might be the ONLY way to remove these paid off fascists from office. But then you still have to overcome the Diebold voting machines owned by them, with no paper trail of course. ..talk about a third world country and tin pot dictator witith a nonexistent congress - wow.

I hope John Kerry has a Swift Boat that he can turn up Pennsylvania Avenue and run right up the unelected, unaccountable behinds of this Republican refuse.

Because the media - at least the TV media, are 100 years behind the public on this one and the public mood is growing increasingly hostile over media complicity with a criminal presidency and congress.


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