Lift the WHIG (White House Iraq Group)

Get your war profiteers card deck at, and cheer
as each thug and dead ender is arrested and tried for treason, trading with the enemy and misleading the American public (propaganda Operation Mockingbird).
May their arrest for treason be imminent.

William Kristol, a singularly unimpressive signatore of the PNAC (document to treason calling for its own Pearl help shape the public need for war).
Ah, Wolfie..what can I say, tick-tick, tick-tick,

Look at this guy's eyes he looks like the hit man in "Three Days of the Condor"
At least Dennis Kucinich is trying....
Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich Press Release
Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) today introduced a Resolution of Inquiry to demand the White House turn over all white papers, minutes, notes, emails or other communications kept by the White House Iraq Group (WHIG).
"This group, comprised of the President and Vice President's top aides, was critical in selling the Administration's case for war," stated Kucinich. "We now know that the Administration hyped intelligence and misled the American public and Congress in their effort to 'sell' the war. After over 1,900 American troops have been killed in Iraq, it is long past time for this Congress to ask serious questions about WHIG and its role in the lead up to the war."
A Resolution of Inquiry is a rare House procedure used to obtain documents from the Executive Branch. Under House rules, Kucinich's resolution is referred to committee, and action must be taken in committee within 14 legislative days.
"For two-and-a-half years Congress has sat on the sidelines neglecting its oversight responsibility when it has come to Iraq," continued Kucinich. "We owe it to the American people to hold this Administration accountable and to find out the truth."
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEOCTOBER 20, 200511:40 AMCONTACT: Congressman Dennis J. KucinichDoug Gordon (202) 225-5871(o); (202) 494-5141(c)
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