Utter Madness - Just Like Nazi Germany

These are the voices the public is provided as solid, accurate sources for religious and political discussion.
Jerry Falwell bigot, homophobe and misogynist, hypocrite supreme.
Pat Robertson people say he is getting old and senile and that is why he talks that way. Nope, he has always been a hatefilled, narrow, mean little man.
Ann Coulter, who was it Aron Brown, who said, "yes but doesn't everyone know that Ann Coulter "isn't quite right." Well no they don't Aron..and that is precisely the problem. The American news media present these reincarnated Nazi prison camp guards as if they have ANY credibility.

This is Dr. Death, the JOKER Of "Defense" (the best kind is offense...as offensive as possible where Rummies Reich is concerned).
That baaaaaaaaad Saddam using chemical weapons (sold to him by the USA) to kill the Kurds.
While the USA dumped millions of tons of NAPALM and AGENT ORANGE on Viet Nam, murdering three million people in that corporate venture for greed.
Rummie is an excellent representative of the repitilian brain currently in office. Seemingly devoid of conscience, empathy or emotion, he truly models the complete American narcissisist psychopath (entitled, cruel, opted out of the Geneva convention and the Intl court)

Some don't but I DO, find it ironic that the USA is killing and slaughtering the very image that Mary/Joseph were likely born in. They most certainly would NOT have been white. They were both from Mesopotamia.
So here in honour of OUR LADY, the Goddess of Mother Earth and the true God of the universe...the BLACK MADONNA... to say... "you are on notice USA -
you are not of God," and she is right irritated that you seem to think so.

Bush's moral, ethical, or military ability
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