Thomas Talks Turkey to Bush Bafflegab

At age eighty-two Helen is young while old, a model of
journalism at its finest.

Helen sheds light on the world asking the tough questions that need to be asked and not quiting until she gets an answer.
At 82 she is still feared by the Bush administration, who cowardly refused to allow her to ask a question of the president for THREE years.
Only this past week did Bush restore years of decorum and lead the press conference by asking Helen if she had a question.
Her response: "You'll be sorry."

In a recent interview on PBS’ Now with Bill Moyers, long-time White House correspondent Helen Thomas was asked whether she ever feels the Bush administration would like to “chloroform” her or “shoot a blow dart” her way. Thomas gave the quintessential reporter’s response: “Oh, sure. Sure. If you don’t feel that way you haven’t done your job.”
Thomas had been engaged in that struggle--often still seen as a man's game--for five decades. In 1943, she joined United Press International as a White House correspondent and since 1961 she has covered every president since John F. Kennedy's administration, traveling the world with presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Clinton. She was the only female reporter to accompany President Nixon on his historic trip to China in 1972.
Now if only we could clone Helen Thomas ...especially this attitude: - Helen Thomas
"As a fair reporter. It's very simple: I can say that off the top of my head. I love reporting. I think I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have picked a profession where even when I am dead tired and not wanting to get up in the morning, I'm still very excited and I have undying curiosity. I don't want to miss anything while I'm around."
Thanks Helen, whenever I sink into the depths of despair over this criminal corporate administration (Bush) I read something you have written and remember that real heroes show up everyday, and simply ask the question no one else will ask.
May you always see the light surrounding you.
"The role of a writer is not to say what we can all say, but what we are unable to say."
- Anais Nin
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