Impeach? Arrest Them !
Floyd: Bush Puts America on Death Row :
In yet another of those momentous degradations of public morality that go unremarked by the ever-vigilant watchdogs of the national media, Bush slipped a measure into the revamped "Patriot (sic) Act" he signed last week that will allow him to expedite the death penalty process across the land, the Austin American-Statesman reports.
17 March 2006
Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War?
As Many As
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Slaughtered (Officially acknowledged)
In America's War
Cost of America's War in Iraq
What Did You See at the War, Jimmy?
By Michael Slenske, We demonized the Iraqi people and we were given carte blanche to shoot first and ask questions later. I think that the truth hurts. I think when a lot of Marines read this book it's going to bring to their point of view the violations of the Geneva Conventions. Can you win a war with continued violations of the Geneva Conventions and International Law? Continued.
The central battlefield in the global resource war
By Mike Whitney Once we observe the sharp black outline of America’s newest battlefield, the illusions of the “war on terror” are quickly dispelled. This is the geographic reality of the present conflict. The war on terror is merely public relations fluff. Continued
Pink Slips Abound for Prosecutors and Therapists:
Humanity Suffers the Savagery of the American Empire’s Post 9/11 Worldview
By Jason Miller
Karl Rove, the mastermind of Bush II’s ascension to America’s seat of power, is a man of great distinction. Despite his decidedly porcine features, Mr. Rove’s Machiavellian lust for power, narcissistic lack of empathy, sycophantic devotion to the Bush crime family, deceitful nature, and conniving mind coalesce to leave the Prince looking like a pauper. Continued
"It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."
Death Squads Terrorize Baghdad: Shiite death squads are spreading fear in Baghdad's Sunni neighborhoods. Meanwhile, politicians and police are growing powerless as the outbreak of a civil war becomes ever more likely in Iraq. (EXACTLY what the USA did in South America. ..right down to the death squads.)
Brzezinski calls for Iraq pull out: One of America's most respected elder national security statesmen called for a full pull-out from Iraq Thursday. - It would take a U.S. commitment of half a million troops to make a significant difference in fighting the Iraqi insurgency, Brzezinski said. But, "We are not in a position to do this," he said.
Video: The 50 Billion Dollar Robbery: : Following the Iraq war, billions of dollars of Iraq's money was directed to American companies to rebuild the country. But much of it remains unaccounted for, and the BBC's Peter Marshall has been investigating startling allegations of post war profiteering.
Australia: PM denies lying about kickbacks: Mr Howard failed to explain why the nation's top spy agencies never passed on the explosive intelligence about Australian companies breaking United Nations sanctions in Iraq as long as eight years ago.
Manufacturing Consent for war: US accuses Iran of "unhelpful activities" in Iraq: U.S. officials in Iraq on Friday again accused Iran of meddling in its neighbour's internal affairs, saying the Islamic Republic was carrying out "unhelpful activities" there.
Greg Moses: The Bush Doctrine of Nuclear Preemption: Do You Feel Safe With This Man's Finger on the Button?
Americans slightly favor plan to censure : A new poll finds that a plurality of Americans favor plans to censure President George W. Bush, while a surprising 42% favor moves to actually impeach the President.
from Latin America
Chavez pours oil on troubled waters : He is offering poor Americans hundreds of thousands of gallons of cut price fuel to help them heat their homes - Venezuela's response, he says, to the events of Hurricane Katrina.
GOP senators introduce eavesdropping bill: The ACLU said in a statement that the bill would allow "Americans' phone calls and e-mails to be monitored for 45 days without any court oversight and makes court review after that period optional" -- in violation of the Fourth Amendment's guarantees against unreasonable searches.
For folly, billions; for survival, pennies: Bush bankrupts the nation paying for a needless war -- while cutting budgets that could protect us against catastrophes like bird flu.
Sheila Samples: With Friends Like These: Most Americans are critically aware of the importance of security in the wake of 9-11. But with best friends and partners like the United Arab Emirates, the Carlyle Group and Halliburton controlling the house -- we have little time to worry about enemies at the gate.
Quick! Vote while the black people are gone: Somehow, it seemed like a fair idea for Bush's Justice Dept. to allow elections to go forward in New Orleans before many of the refugees (overwhelmingly black and therefore overwhelmingly Democratic) have returned.
U.S. Votes Against U.N. Human Rights Council: The new Human Rights Council is meant to replace the 53-member Commission on Human Rights founded in 1946 to censure countries abusing their own citizens.
America can't block UN's new human rights body: AGAINST strong American opposition the United Nations has overwhelmingly voted to establish a new body to promote human rights around the world.
The U.S. Gulag Prison System : The shame of a nation and a crime against humanity
Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons: Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals, Does such barbaric abuse inside U.S. jails explain the horrors that were committed in Iraq?
Sheila Samples: With Friends Like These: Most Americans are critically aware of the importance of security in the wake of 9-11. But with best friends and partners like the United Arab Emirates, the Carlyle Group and Halliburton controlling the house -- we have little time to worry about enemies at the gate.
America can't block UN's new human rights body: AGAINST strong American opposition the United Nations has overwhelmingly voted to establish a new body to promote human rights around the world.
Senate Votes to Raise Debt Limit : The Senate, on a 52-48 vote, sent to President Bush a bill raising the ceiling on the national debt to nearly $9 trillion and preventing a first-ever default on U.S. Treasury notes
In case you missed it: Nazis of the Nineties: In his book "The Road to Serfdom," Friedrich Hayek warned Americans in 1944 that despite their military war against Nazis, they were travelling the philosophical and economic road to that the Nazis were travelling. The Americans ignored that warning. Now along the Americans we are left with the consequences that are coming home to roost

The Nazis of the Nineties, and such a rich history history of trading with the enemy.

Heck business is great eh !
Oil "exploration" is on the move and the poppy crop out of Afghanistan is the biggest and best ever. Dad will be thrilled that Canucks are dying to defend it rather than good American boys.

DeLay and Abramoff are only the tip of a very large iceberg of
epidemic evil.

This is what Karl Rove thinks of America and more than half her citizens.
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