Sunday, July 06, 2008

Faith Based Fraud Destroyed Democracy

While the propaganda molls of the Bush gang try to spin us a story that Barack Obama needed to "refine his position because we will always have to have a presence, or base of some kind in the Middle East." This statement is laid out as if it were a benign assumption when in fact the "news" reporter is implying an inclement "right" in an illegal, immoral occupation that has killed over a million people and displaced twice that many to surrounding countries, who are accused of interfering if they react.

So before we get too excited about the endless drone for the CEO of the military industrial complex in the USA, let us remember some facts about faith in America.

Pat Robertson funneled faith based funding to the tune of ten MILLION dollars to Charles Taylor, the dictator on trial for war crimes in WORLD COURT.
Of course the Bush gang does not obey domestic, International, Nuremberg or the Geneva convention. In fact that have made a mockery of God and the law, using religion as a bludgeon to kill and keep people stupid and quiet, just like Nazi Germany.

Heck the American media might as well be a faith funded organization who report nothing but Bush bull from sun up until sundown. Here for example are the thousands of links of faith based fraud that seem to escape the lame excuse called media in the USA and Canada today.

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Results 1 - 10 of about 654,000 for faith based fraud. (0.13 seconds)
Jerry Falwell, faith-based fraud. - By Christopher Hitchens ...
16 May 2007 ... The discovery of the carcass of Jerry Falwell on the floor of an obscure office in Virginia has almost zero significance, except perhaps for - 43k - Cached - Similar pages
Faith-Based Fraud Sojourners Magazine Find Articles at BNET
Faith-Based Fraud from Sojourners Magazine in Reference provided free by Find - 42k - Cached - Similar pages
Faith-based fraud.(Tempting Faith: An Inside Story of Political ...
Faith-based fraud.(Tempting Faith: An Inside Story of Political Seduction)(Book review). Article, News, Research, Information, Industry & Business News - 24k - Cached - Similar pages
Contextual Criticism: Faith-based fraud in Florida
22 Jun 2008 ... Faith-based fraud in Florida. Under Jeb Bush's governorship, so-called "faith-based" organizations in Florida thought they'd died and gone - 147k - Cached - Similar pages
Daylight Atheism > Faith-Based Fraud
7 Feb 2007 ... There are even more examples of faith-based fraud that I could name. There are the Nigerian money scams that specifically target Christians. - 42k - Cached - Similar pages
Obama’s Faith-based Gambit is a Fraud Catholic Exchange
5 Jul 2008 ... Obama’s Faith-based Gambit is a Fraud. July 5th, 2008 by Catholic League ·Print ·. Catholic League president Bill Donohue urged Catholics to - 35k - Cached - Similar pages
Jerry Falwell, faith-based fraud! ...
21 May 2007 ... Please go to to read the rest of this article. It sure hits the old proverbial nail on the head!! - 27k - Cached - Similar pages
'Faith-Based Fraud' by Christopher Hitchens, ...
Faith-Based Fraud. by Christopher Hitchens, Thanks to Manfred for the link. Reposted from:,1114,Faith-Based-Fraud,Christopher-Hitchens-slatecom - 64k - Cached - Similar pages
The Faith-Based Fraud
After its highly touted unveiling, President Bush's faith-based initiative has proceeded largely under the radar. But a lack of attention hasn't shielded - 34k - Cached - Similar pages painter of crap caught in faith-based scam
30 Aug 2006 ... painter of crap caught in faith-based scam. FBI Investigates Popular Artist Kinkade. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The FBI is investigating artist - 8k -


Between the CIA and faith based fraud the American people have quite an uphill battle, as we do in Canada. Until we can gain control of our criminal governments and complicit
news media we are in serious trouble.

Please have faith in yourself and your ability as a person to create change. Simply thinking differently, standing up and
objecting, writing a letter to congress, being a full and real person, accountable, on deck and there for yourself and your neighbor can make a difference. The troops want and demand nothing less. They have been sent to die for oil and the same fascist form of Christianity behind the crusades. The least we can do is be conscious and have conscience in their absence. Otherwise we do not have their backs and they need a democracy to come home to - don't they?


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