Monday, June 04, 2007

Funding Terrorism Through Faith Based Funding


Charles Taylor launched a rebellion against President Samuel Doe in 1989.
He had served in Mr Doe's government but was accused of embezzling $1m.
He fled to the United States and was arrested but mysteriously escaped from a US prison. (Source BBC News)

Wednesday :: Jul 9, 2003
What's Really Behind Our Sudden Interest in Liberia?
by Steve Soto

Many are questioning why an Administration so opposed to overseas ventures, unless they allegedly involve terrorism, is so eager to intervene in Liberia. When you peel back some of the history here, you will see that there is a terrorism connection regarding Liberia. But there is also a connection between Liberia and one of Bush’s closest political supporters.
Liberian president and chief thug Charles Taylor was allowed to take Liberia by force under the watchful nose of Bush’s dad in 1989. And you of course knew that Pat Robertson, yes that Pat Robertson, has been fronting for his buddy Charles for years now, since he has a business relationship with the Taylor regime. As columnist Colbert King of the Washington Post noted almost two years ago, Robertson and Taylor have formed a strange and mutually beneficial partnership:
What, pray tell, does the Good Lord make of Pat Robertson's gold-mining venture in Liberia with Charles Taylor, international pariah and one of the most ruthless, greedy and terror-producing heads of state in all of sub-Saharan Africa?
What? He didn't know?

(They never do know do they?)

From Ms. Mag...

Pat Robertson's Right-Wing Gold Mine

The little-known tale of the evangelist and the dictator
by Bill Sizemore

Ms. Fall 2003

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Charles Taylor, the freshly exiled president of Liberia, has a rap sheet that would have been the envy of Genghis Khan: Accused embezzler. Ruthless warlord blamed for torture, killings, forced labor, extortion (oh all the stuff the USA does worldwide). Partial bankroller of al-Qaeda. Indicted by a U.N. war crimes tribunal for arming Sierra Leoneon rebels who specialize in mass rape and in hacking off the limbs of civilians.
With his small West African country devastated by near-constant civil war since he began his bloody march to power 14 years ago, Taylor in recent months faced a rising chorus of calls from world leaders, including President George W. Bush, to step down.
Where's a guy like that going to find a friend?

Well, here's one place: the set of The 700 Club, the daily TV talk show presided over by Pat Robertson.

The Liberian dictator and the American televangelist have emerged as one of the oddest couples of the year, a pairing some critics are calling a testament to the gospel of greed. And it's not the only such coupling for Robertson.

But first, the setting: The 700 Club is taped in a state-of-the-art studio in the palatial, cross-shaped headquarters of Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), nestled amid magnolias and crepe myrtles in suburban Virginia Beach, Va. The telecast reaches 1 million households with Robertson's trademark blend of faith healing, fundraising and fundamentalism.


Robertson is perhaps best-known in recent years for teaming up with Jerry Falwell to blame feminists and gays for the Sept. 11 attacks. Falwell is (was) just one in a succession of hard-right guests, from Bill Bennett to Phyllis Schlafly, given a platform on The 700 Club.

Apparently, people are noticing.
First he blames 9/11 on liberals and gays, then he publicly asks God to smite liberal Supreme Court justices. Now he asks the US government to assassinate the duly elected president of Venezuela.
What's next, adopting Olympic bomber Eric Rudolph?
I once proposed that the UN define a new form of crime, Teaching Hatred, as a crime against humanity, punishable by the World Court with stiff prison sentences.

Many people may have assumed that I was targeting the mullahs who run the Islamo-fascist madrassas in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, cranking out maniacal jihadists by the thousands. True, I was. But America has its own set of blood-thirsty, power-mad mullahs, and one of them is Pat Robertson.
In lieu of such a happy new world law, what should the US government do? Isn't it a crime to publically threaten foreign leaders with assassination? Maybe not, maybe that's all part of our wonderful First Amendment. However, Robertson's recommendation certainly goes beyond denouncing president Chávez, who previously fought off a Bush-supported coup and subsequently won a vote of confidence.
How un-American can these people get? We are just starting to find out. The unseemly cabal of religious and corporate powers that have siezed control of the US government are capable of almost any obscenity, including stealing elections, starting wars for profit and carpetbagging the Treasury.

What's a little assassination to folks like that? Just another day at the office.


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