Repeating History - American Terror Comes Home to Roost

Like father - like son.

Bush opted out of Intl court because Henry Kissinger is (one of) the most wanted war criminal in the world.
This entire Bush Administration should be tried for treason and if a real congress of statesmen(women) were sitting, Bush and Cheney would have been impeached L-ONG ago.

See the book by Christopher Hitchens - 'The Trial of Henry Kissinger' £15/$22 published by Verso. Hitchens' chilling account of this global 'luminary''s involvement in Indochina, Bangladesh, Chile, Cyprus, East Timor and Washington DC terrorist attacks presents what seems like a watertight case for Kissingers's prosecution.

Latest BBC news on Kissinger --- Latest other news on Kissinger
18Dec04 - Pacifica News - Teflon Tyrants: After Pinochet, Prosecute Kissinger
05Jun04 - New York Times - Kissinger accused of blocking scholar
09Jan04 - Henry Kissinger was on Europe1 radio station this morning
06Dec03 - Guardian - Kissinger approved Argentinian 'dirty war'
04Dec03 - The Times - Hollinger supported Kissinger magazine
13Dec01 - Asheville Global Report - Henry Kissinger and Gerald Ford Lied to the American Public about East Timor
02May03 - Minessota Star Tribune - Kissinger heaps praise on Bush
02May03 - Guardian - Ex-Kissinger partner to rule Iraq
30Apr03 - PR - Longtime Kissinger Deputy Joining Cohen Group
10Mar03 - Reuters - Kissinger joined Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst on European acquisitions
13Dec02 - Reuters - Kissinger resigns as head of Sept 11 commission
12Dec02 - WorkingForChange - The return of Cover-up Kissinger
12Dec02 - Guardian - Kissinger Promises No Conflict With Panel
30Nov02 - New York Times - The Kissinger Commission (Kissinger to head up S11 investigation!)
01Oct02 - Guardian - Britain accused of sacrificing new court
24Sep02 - Pakistan Daily Times - NYT twisted the hawk Kissinger into a fake dove
30Aug02 - Miami Herald - Argentina's 'dirty war' hounding Kissinger
22Jul02 - Der Speigel (translation) - Chile: Complaint against Kissinger
12Jun02 - Guardian - Kissinger may face extradition to Chile
31May02 -Reuters - Kissinger to advise Hicks Muse on Europe
23May02 - Workers' World - She defied Henry Kissinger
28Apr02 - Daily Telegraph - The doctor versus the judges
26Apr02 - Associated Press - Vietnam says Kissinger should bear responsibility for Vietnam War
25Apr02 - BBC - Kissinger's co-speakers at the Royal Albert Hall
25Apr02 - Independent - Henry Kissinger's speech to the Institute of Directors at the Albert Hall, London
18Apr02 - Guardian - Met asked to question Kissinger
18Apr02 -Pravda - Henry Kissinger, If You Want To Kill, Do It Fast
April 24 2002 protest rally as Kissinger dares to come to London
26Feb02 - Kissinger cancels Brazil visit to avoid protests
28Feb02 - Students protest as Kissinger visits Dublin college (2 articles and letters page)
21Feb02 - Kissinger Wiretaps to be released
16Feb02 - The Spectator - Kissinger addressed SAS at Stirling Lines HQ in January
03Nov01 - ABC - Humanitarians Pursue Kissinger for South American Murders
11Sep01 - BBC - Kissinger accused over Chile plotThese two stories appeared on 11th September 2001 - coincidence?11Sep01 - Washington Post - Family of Slain Chilean Sues Kissinger
09Sep01 - CBS - Family To Sue Kissinger For Death
05Jul01 - AP Newswire - Chile Judge May Question Kissinger
31May01 - Daily Telegraph - Kissinger Shuns Summons
29May01 - BBC - US bars Kissinger in Pinochet probe
The Book of Evidence against Kissinger by Christopher Hitchens
Research on Kissinger carried out by Trident Ploughshares 2000 the Bush crime does not have to look far to find an absolute mountain of evidence. As Jon Stewart said of Dick Cheney..." much power do you have to have to shoot a guy in the face..and the guy you"
I just wanta be around when enough people wake up and realize what this evil group of people have done, and continue to do while a criminal congress refuses to enforce the law.
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