U.S. TV Media Killed Frodo - Allowing War on Iraq

U.S. TV's "go to" source for religious questions.
Or tittering,... watching Dubya act out his fetish....oh that George, what a fun guy.

Once again we have evidence of US TV media deliberately suppressing the TRUTH.
This is criminal.
Democratic Congressman Henry Waxman, the ranking minority member of the Committee on Government Reform, denounced the crude forgeries in an open letter to the President on that March 17, just days before the invasion of Iraq was launched, though his letter was totally ignored by the administration and the media http://www.alternet.org/mediaculture/23790/
("In the last ten days, however, it has become incontrovertibly clear," he wrote, "that a key piece of evidence you and other Administration officials have cited regarding Iraq's efforts to obtain nuclear weapons is a hoax. What's more, the Central Intelligence Agency questioned the veracity of the evidence at the same time you and other Administration officials were citing it in public statements. This is a breach of the highest order, and the American people are entitled to know how it happened.")
Stealth Lesbian, interesting post - U.S. TV Media Killed Frodo - Allowing War on Iraq.
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