Hold Them Accountable !

Please STAND with John Conyers to bring America home to herself and integrity.
Stand with Congressman Conyers
Demand Censure for Bush-Cheney
MisconductInvestigate Impeachable Offenses
I am taking steps against the Bush Administration’s handling of the Iraq War and its collection of intelligence. I am going to need you to stand with me in fighting for accountability.
Join me to demand censure for Bush and Cheney in addition to the creation of a Special Committee to investigate impeaching the Bush Administration for its widespread abuses of power.
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I have sought answers from the administration to questions arising from the Downing Street Minutes, the Valerie Plame leak, and scores of other abominable abuses of power that pervade the activities of this White House. 121 Members of Congress and many citizens like you have joined me in asking these questions of the President.
I have just completed a thorough review of this administration’s misconduct and have produced a 250-page report that provides evidence suggesting further steps to be taken. [A copy of the report may be found at Raw Story.com and also at CensureBush.org where additional action items may be found.]
It is time to take bolder measures in our pursuit of justice. This White House has responded to questions about its conduct with misleading statements, obfuscation, and vicious attacks against their critics. We must take the next step towards restoring accountability in our federal government. To this end I have:
• Introduced a resolution of censure for both President Bush and Vice-President Cheney, and;
• I am calling upon Congress to create a select committee similar to the Ervin Committee, which investigated President Nixon’s Watergate crimes. This select committee should investigate those offenses which appear to rise to the level of impeachment.
This administration must be held accountable for its misdeeds. We have considerable work to do and I am going to need your help to make this effort successful. Join me in sending a message to the President, the media, and the American people that we are not going to stand for an imperial presidency any longer.
John Conyers
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Reserve your autographed copy of the published version of the new Conyers Report today.
[publication date: Spring 2006]
You may find a free, online copy of the Report at CensureBush.org or RawStory.com. The publishing house Academy Chicago Publishers has graciously chosen to print this volume. I will be sharing a signed copy of the book with those who donate $60 or more to my campaign to win back the House. (When the House returns to the Democrats, I will have the power to subpoena Bush Administration officials to answer questions and face the consequences for their abuses of power.)
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Paid For And Authorized By Conyers for CongressMichael J. Remington, TreasurerP.O. Box 17204Alexandria, Virginia 22302Email: campaign@johnconyers.comPhotographs Copyright Kim M. Simpson All Rights Reserved
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This administration has declared war on our community from the day they ran for election.
The moment they get into trouble they attempt to distract with hate filled literature directed toward our community. Let's stand and fight back, because darlin ..if you will not stand for yourself - who will?
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