Thursday, May 18, 2006

Colbert Shock and Awe Still Sizzling

"Stephen Colbert has Balls as Big as Church Bells... It was fucking amazing... You'll want it for posterity." -- Shakespeare's Sister

"Colbert reaffirmed my faith in -- well -- just about everything... It was a marvel." -- News Hounds

"It was brave, it was brilliant, and it was true" -- Attaturk

"Brass balls, baby. Big ones." -- Ezra Klein

"A brave and shocking performance." -- Chris Durang

"Watching the Whores of Pennsylvania Avenue, and their retainers and lackeys in the MSM being fed, nipples first, through the Colbert Woodchipper it felt -- for a moment -- like a free country again." -- Driftglass

"Merciless skewering of the Cheney administration and its media lapdogs... inserting a brief moment of honesty into an event based upon a lie..." -- Billmon

"A stinging spanking that's been long overdue..." -- Jesus' General

See more in the Arianna Huffington archives.
Arianna Huffington is the author of Fanatics and Fools: The Game Plan for Winning Back America .

This was Dylan plugging in at Newport in 1965. The crowd may have booed, but the music world had forever shifted.

Stephen Colbert pillories Bush from a range of about ten feet.

Colbert feigning shock for outing Valerie Plame (attending the evening with spouse Joe Wilson).

As usual Ariana Huffington nails it:

"Nora Ephron framed the dilemma perfectly when she asked, "Is it possible for a comedian to utterly kill and bomb at the same time?"

To which I say, Absolutely. This was Dylan plugging in at Newport in 1965. The crowd may have booed, but the music world had forever shifted. "


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