Goddess of Guadalupe (Our Lady) Gangbusters
The Goddess of Guadalupe (Our Lady) would like to announce that when Jesus rolls the rock this Easter, he is planning on shining some light on the heart of darkness (the US media).
Henceforth we will be doing a weekly media update and wherever possible stating the case in their own words.
Chris Mathews (MSNBC) drives me crazy, he is like an anxious, fearful puppy trying to fit into a pack. Whenever he has a general on the show he looks like he might roll on his back and throw all his feet in the air, or simply wet in whimpering fear, (? what is THAT cloying yucky stuff?). Is he overwhelmed with excitement at the thought of being that close to someone who kills for a living? Too weird. It is creepy enough that the entire Bush cabal seems devoid of empathy and operates as a collective of narcissistic personality disorders; there is also a media blindly mirroring the willing dysfunctional psychopathic element in the entire sick drama.
So... here we have the
US media, the gutless wonders of the New World Order, but don't believe me - in their own words:
Matthews mischaracterized polls showing people trust Democrats on taxes and claimed "nobody has ever accused the Democrats of tax cutting" Friday, March 31, 2006 7:10PM
Matthews said Republicans "have a right to fear" seeing a "majority Latino population"; challenged Goodman: "Do you live in a Mexican neighborhood?" Friday, March 31, 2006 4:16PM
Matthews on new Democratic security proposal: "The Democrats pretending that they're G.I. Joe all of a sudden" Thursday, March 30, 2006 5:18PM
Matthews served up immigration misinformation Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:03PM
Dismissing poll results showing voter preference for Democrats, Matthews asked if anti-war Americans would "vote Democrat like a monkey, to prove that [they're] against the war" Tuesday, March 28, 2006 5:19PM
Matthews on "my friend Don Evans": "We all [adore him] here" Tuesday, March 28, 2006 9:15AM
Matthews falsely suggested Murtha proposal for Iraq withdrawal "got what, 18 votes?" Monday, March 27, 2006 5:32PM
Hardball website continues to host GOP "virtual straw poll," but no Democratic poll, almost two weeks following completion of actual straw poll at GOP conference Friday, March 24, 2006 11:37AM
Another GOP role model: (People of the Lie)
Limbaugh blasted kidnapped peace activists again: "self-absorbed, self-inflated, self-important people" who made their rescue "all about them" Friday, March 24, 2006 3:07PM
Limbaugh on Dems' oil merger comments: "This is Stalinist and Marxist ... You can rape us" Monday, March 20, 2006 3:11PM
Limbaugh attacked poll of U.S. troops funded by peace studies center: "a bunch of long-haired, maggot-infested, dope-smoking, FM peace-types that have an agenda" Monday, March 20, 2006 10:55AM
Limbaugh falsely claimed that Kucinich's Dept. of Peace bill would "[g]et rid of the Department of Defense" Friday, March 17, 2006 6:18PM
Ignoring history, media touted Feingold censure proposal as GOP political opportunity Friday, March 17, 2006 9:53AM
Limbaugh: Iraqi insurgents "probably in their last gasp over there or close to it" Friday, March 17, 2006 10:55AM
Olbermann crowned Limbaugh "Worst Person in the World" for "slave master" comment Thursday, March 16, 2006 11:29AM
Conservatives who denounced previous CBS poll now mum on latest poll showing same results Wednesday, March 15, 2006 5:17PM
Limbaugh on marriage of journalists Carney and Shipman: a relationship between "slave owner and husband" Tuesday, March 14, 2006 5:34PM
more at: http://mediamatters.org/issues_topics/search_results?qstring=Limbaugh
And while Matthews, Scarborough Country host and former U.S. Representative Joe Scarborough (R-FL), and former presidential candidate, MSNBC analyst and regular Scarborough Country guest host Pat Buchanan often distort, mislead, and play host to skewed panels, MSNBC has recently added frequent misinformers Carlson and Monica Crowley to its programming lineup.
O'Reilly, others smear veteran journalist Helen Thomas over exchange with Bush Monday, March 27, 2006 11:38AM
Media pronounce Cheney shooting story "over"; declare he "stopped the political damage," despite lingering questions, contradictions Friday, February 17, 2006 6:20PM
Media accused liberals of politicizing King funeral, ignored conservatives' use of Reagan funeral Thursday, February 9, 2006 4:01PM
Matthews, Carlson suggested Democrats who don't applaud Bush speech will "look bad," which will be "good for the Republicans" Tuesday, January 31, 2006 3:11PM
Matthews, Gingrich, Hannity, others seize on new bin Laden tape to discredit war critics Friday, January 20, 2006 3:47PM
Conservatives quick to opine on Brokeback Mountain's "agenda," slow to actually see film Friday, January 20, 2006 12:10PM
Media figures claimed Clinton played "race card" but ignored her 2004 comments and similar "plantation" comments by Republicans Thursday, January 19, 2006 4:08PM
Canada in the crosshairs: Media conservatives sling mud north of the border Friday, December 16, 2005 6:12PM
Skewed Scarborough Country aired numerous leak falsehoods, distortions without rebuttal Tuesday, November 29, 2005 5:53PM
Limbaugh, Carlson falsely claimed Marine referenced by Rep. Schmidt is serving in Iraq Tuesday, November 22, 2005 6:42PM
Milking a story for all it's worth, media uncritically report crumbling allegation that Democrats threw Oreos at Steele Monday, November 21, 2005 3:22PM
Carlson claimed Rove "wasn't in charge of selling the Iraq war," ignored Rove's role in White House group selling Iraq war Thursday, October 27, 2005 6:54PM
Tucker Carlson falsely claimed that countries (continued at http://mediamatters.org/issues_topics/search_results?qstring=Tucker+Carlson)
Indeed the USA is under a one party, hostile take over criminal, corporate administration.
Criminal negligence, abuse of power and treason - unreported by a paid off corporate media, who dance to the tune of whomever is paying them.
THE network of the Bush Administration is owned by fascist Australian.
Olbermann: There are execs at NBC "who do not like to see the current presidential administration criticized at all" Monday, March 13, 2006 12:29PM
O'Reilly: Documentary Outfoxed "was a dishonest piece of trash" Friday, March 3, 2006 3:23PM
Responding to O'Reilly's attack on "unprofessional" NBC, Olbermann awarded Fox News host another "Worst Person" citation Wednesday, February 1, 2006 4:48PM
Editorial boards criticize secret wiretapping authorized by Bush Monday, December 19, 2005 5:07PM
Wash. Post's criticism of sensationalist Katrina coverage focused on CNN, ignored Fox Thursday, October 6, 2005 6:59PM
Brock to O'Reilly: Stop distorting Jeremy Glick's words Tuesday, September 27, 2005 2:59PM
O'Reilly on "extremists": admirers of Third Reich philosophy and fans of Outfoxed Thursday, August 25, 2005 3:00PM
In NY Times book review, Posner rehashed tired "liberal media" claims Tuesday, August 2, 2005 12:52PM
Sports pages more interested than news pages in Republican threats to baseball over Soros bid for Nationals; Fred Malek's ugly history swept under rug Wednesday, July 6, 2005 12:35PM
Novak called The Truth About Hillary "well-attributed"; CNN's John King ignored book's factual errors, sleazy gossip Friday, June 17, 2005 7:21PM
More at : http://mediamatters.org/issues_topics/search_results?qstring=Rupert+Murdoch
"Media Matters," week ending June 10, 2005 Friday, June 10, 2005 7:13PM
"Media Matters," week ending May 20, 2005 Friday, May 20, 2005 7:49PM
Media Matters at one year: A letter from David Brock Tuesday, May 3, 2005 12:14PM
"Media Matters," week ending April 22, 2005 Friday, April 22, 2005 6:18PM
Letter from David Brock to Rupert Murdoch Wednesday, April 20, 2005 3:48PM
The world has held a remarkably different (than the USA) opinion of George Bush and the GOP from the beginning. Why is that? For one thing we get the news, and Americans do not.
The news you do get is filtered through a bias so thick it comes out the other side manipulated as some bland harmless bit of distracting kaka. Reporters like Chris Mathews, Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan, cover for a party of proven criminals.
Chris said it all one day when attacking the the elderly for refusing to debate the Swift Boat Veterans swill and their attack machine which was in the throes of smearing the elderly and gay people all in one fell swoop. When the elderly refused to debate the "political machine" rather than a valid agency of some kind... Chris went ballistic.
His comment "THEY have bought in for EIGHT MILLION what do you mean you will not debate them?"
Ya see...there we missed it Chris....the news...is just what and how much you buy in for eh?
What warped, weird and truly wicked world the GOP propaganda machine is. Clearly anything and everything has a price and empathy, honor, and truth are something of a day gone by.
Sounds really divine to me, lala logic in the land of larceny.
When Jesus rolls back the rock this Easter - Mom will be waiting, holding the broom and being the gospel choir of Katrina, 9/11 and Iraq. I can just imagine all these reptiles slithering for the cover of darkness. And the lord said, "let there be light."
Welcome to the Prince of Peace, may he shine light on all the dark recesses of treason currently sinking America in a cesspool of corruption.
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