Embarassing Entitled Evil, Unchecked
Novak gives DeLay a goodbye kiss
Posted By Carpetbagger On 7th April 2006 @ 10:46 In
I don't expect too much from Bob Novak when it comes to even-handed political analysis, but his send-off for Tom DeLay this week was over-the-top, even by Novak standards.
For example, Novak praises DeLay as an historic leader for our times.
He must be ranked with the great legislative leaders of all time, such as Thomas Brackett Reed, Robert A. Taft and Lyndon B. Johnson. Nobody has been as effective in enacting the conservative agenda into law, which explains the intense opposition to him.
This kind of adulation usually doesn't go to a lawmaker who was admonished by the House Ethics Committee five times, indicted on criminal charges in his home state, and forced to resign in disgrace. I can think of a few adjectives that come to mind, but "great" isn't one of them. Then there was this gem:
There is no sign of extravagant living on DeLay's part — only bad judgment.
No sign of extravagant living? Novak apparently forgot about this AP story, published just a few months ago, which detailed DeLay's royal lifestyle, in which the former Majority Leader "visited places of luxury most Americans have never seen, often getting there aboard corporate jets arranged by lobbyists and other special interests." And finally, here's the clincher:
DeLay told me last year that he accepted lobbyist-arranged golf abroad because that was his only chance ever to play a game he dearly loved. The shrewd congressional leader did not perceive the dangers facing him when he took that course.
This paid off pundit of tired right wing propaganda, is still at it.
Drooling over INDICTED Tom DeLay
- ah well it certainly illustrates exactly where right wing "values" are.
So christened by Jon Stewart, who loves this guy about as much as the rest of us who value democracy.
further from the article:
Scotland with Jack Abramoff, at the corrupt lobbyist's expense, because there was no other possible for DeLay to play golf. As if he didn't already play golf in the DC area — and have a home adjacent to a course in Texas. Poor, innocent DeLay couldn't possibly have realized that the trip may be perceived as controversial; all he wanted was a few rounds of the "game he dearly loved." Right.
Maybe Novak could have just thrown DeLay a going-away party and used his column for something substantive, because this was just embarrassing.
Tags: Bob Novak, Tom DeLay, Novak, DeLay, great, Ethics, indicted, resign, disgrace, extravagant, Abramoff, golf
Article printed from The Carpetbagger Report: http://www.thecarpetbaggerreport.com/
URL to article: http://www.thecarpetbaggerreport.com/archives/7079.html
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