Friday, October 19, 2007

Psychopaths in Suits - the Knights of Malta

Did Jesuit Fr. Staempfle Write Mein Kampf For Hitler?

Is George W. Bush The New Jesuit-Backed Roman Catholic Star?

According to the late Jesuit priest, Fr. Alberto Rivera, whose job was to infiltrate and destroy Protestant ministries, he was privy to sensitive Vatican briefings and documents, revealing the Jesuit role in backing Hitler. Further, he was told by Cardinal Augustine Bea that Nazi gold was deposited in Vatican accounts in Swiss banks.

14 May 2006 By Greg Szymanski

Germany and Hitler

Rivera learned many hidden truths about the Jesuits and the Vatican, but none were more important than the story behind Hitler's rise to power. Sounding strangely similar to what is happening to America, in 1923 Germany was in a downward spiral. The monetary system was teetering on the brink of disaster and the German people were sick and tired of war, similar to the majority of Americans today calling for the end of the Middle East conflict. "The German people blamed the Kaiser for the whole thing and had him and his government thrown out of office," writes Rivera in the comic he entitled The Godfathers. "The communists were fighting to take over and the new government was very weak. Some men wanted the German people to run their government like they did in France and were attempting to make Germany a Republic. The Pope was outraged and with that the Republic was doomed to failure. "Two things the Vatican despises are Protestantism and Democracy. The Jesuits were then called upon to stop this new Weimer Republic. Two men then destroyed it: One was Franz Von Papan and the other was Pacelli, who later become Pope Pius XII." Rivera then claims how he read in the secret Vatican how the stage was then set for Germany's new Roman Catholic star, Adolf Hitler, as a Jesuit priest by the name of Fr. Staempfle actually wrote Mein Kampf, the book being the master plan of the Jesuits for Hitler's takeover of Germany. "Another great inquisition was about to begin," said Rivera. "Instead of wearing Dominican robes, they were wearing Nazi uniforms. Hitler's Brown Shirts, called Nazis, backed by the Vatican used the same tactic as Mussolini, beating and bullying all opposition into submission, including Roman Catholics. Bloody street battles between Roman Catholics who were Nazis and Roman Catholics who were communists took place. The prize being Germany." The symbol for this new inquisition was the Swastika, which of course was a Masonic symbol. According to Rivera's research, Hitler was the Vatican's choice, just like Lech Walesa in Poland and the new American neo-con regime.

According to the late Jesuit priest, Fr. Alberto Rivera, a fellow Jesuit named Fr. Staempfle wrote Mein Kampf, as the stage was being set for Germany's new Roman Catholic star, Adolf Hitler. The main question today is what priest is writing the script for the Jesuit-backed Roman Catholic star, President George W. Bush? Following the old adage "all things change but everything remains the same," a look back into Hitler's rise to power may provide important clues as to whether the Jesuits are also backing Bush. To begin this Sunday's fourth Confession on the banks of the truth-filled body of water called Brushy Creek, it must be said that Fr. Rivera was a rare species, being a former Jesuit priest who decided to speak the truth about the "military order' disguised as a group of God-loving disciples of Jesus. Most other disillusioned Jesuits like Rivera have remained silent since they know double-crossing the Society of Jesus high command means sure death, especially if you're someone who knew too much like Fr. Rivera.

( Ah another Knight of Malta. The organization renown for running the Nazi RAT LINES (that helped Nazis escape through the Vatican.) Like the Ford Foundation this is another charity front for fascism.

What made Rivera dangerous to the Jesuits and probably led to his death, was Rivera's sensitive and trusted position within the Order to infiltrate Protestant ministries and destroy them. Due to his sensitive work, he was given special Vatican clearance to the secret underground library catacombs where, according to Rivera, the true history of the world remains buried for the chosen few, who have sworn by blood oath, never to reveal the dark and sinister contents. And after reading how the Catholic Church manipulated history in its drive to rule the world, one very fortunate day for mankind he decided to alert the world and place his faith in Christ alone while leaving behind the Jesuits and the Catholic Church. Being released from his vows, Rivera then married, started his own ministry and tried until he died under suspicious circumstances in 1997, to spread the word of truth. For his actions, he instantly became a hated and hunted man by the Church, as he shockingly admitted "No Jesuit can leave the Order alive, if he knows the real truth and talks about it."

In 1985, ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera predicted that the Vatican would eventually apologize for its part in the German Holocaust, the inquisition, and the slaughter of Jews and Muslims during the Crusades. His prediction was based on secret briefings that he attended while a Jesuit in training.* This prediction came true as Pope John Paul II publicly asked forgiveness for the sins of Roman Catholics through the ages. The pope and several other Vatican leaders conducted a "Day of Pardon Mass" at St. Peter's Basilica. To the Jews he said, "We are deeply saddened by the behavior of those who in the course of history have caused these children of yours to suffer, and asking your forgiveness we wish to commit ourselves to genuine brotherhood." In reference to the Inquisition, Cardinal Ratzinger (The New Pope) confessed, "Even men of the church, in the name of faith and morals, have sometimes used methods not in keeping with the Gospel." The pope responded, "Have mercy on your sinful children." Some Jewish leaders were unimpressed. Israel's chief rabbi, Meir Lau, said he was "deeply frustrated" by the pope's failure to mention the Holocaust by name.

Leaders from several Jewish organizations have been pressing the Vatican to open its World War II archives to investigators. They claim that, at best, Vatican leaders and Pope Pius XII, remained silent during Hitler's genocide against the Jews and others. Of course, few are willing to present the whole truth, that Roman Catholic leaders, including the pope, were instrumental in Hitler's rise to power and that Hitler was simply carrying out persecution against the Jews which the Vatican had fostered for centuries.** Another reason for opening the archives is to determine what happened to hundreds of millions of dollars worth of gold stolen by the Nazis from Jews and other conquered nations. Much of it has been traced to Swiss banks who have made a token refund to Holocaust survivors. But Dr. Rivera was told by the head of the Jesuit order, Cardinal Augustin Bea, that a special train flying Vatican flags was allowed through the Allied military lines. The Americans were told it was a "mercy train" carrying medical supplies. In reality it carried Nazi gold which was deposited in Vatican accounts in Swiss banks.*** In July, 1997, a documentary film crew discovered a US government document stating that the pro-Nazi Croatian Ustachis sent gold coins worth 250 million Swiss francs to the Vatican which was later used to finance the "rat line" of fleeing Nazi leaders to sanctuary in Spain and Argentina.

the complete article may be found at:

A private army led by a Knight of Malta, Erik Prince who also happens to be a right wing fundamentalist Christian is in Iraq and has been training death squads, taking part in torture and generally fulfilling the identical role as Hitler's hated SS. This is afterall the way the Christian crusades operate isn't it? Spread fear and propaganda about a so called terrorist wanting to destroy the world and take over your country, then proceed to do everything you accuse others of doing.

It is time for regime change. It is time to shut down the Vatican which is a shelter for aging pedophiles who have preyed (sorry couldn't help myself) on the world for far too long.
How brainwashed are we that we line up at the altar and hand our children over to Intl YOUTH Day to a group who have over 3000 pedophile abuse cases outstanding. In Canada we have a history of government complicity with the the Catholic church in destroying the natives of Canada by placing their youth in schools where they were beaten for speaking their own language, then raped and molested by the caretakers who claim to be sent from God.

If we can have the decency and good sense to open our eyes and face this scum, we will have
stopped the destruction of the free world. If we do not - may God help us all.


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