Monday, October 31, 2005

Bush's Monica Moment

Ah, the photo reveal, and goodness there are lot of many more than say photographs of Monica and Bill together. (Even extensive records of mr. Gannon/Guckart/Gosch's comings and goings at the White House).

Yes the highly advertised for stud mr. Guckart...certainly seems to be the real thing, and wildly exemplary of the hypocritical, dysfunctional Bush administration. They hide their own pedophilia behind a gay pimp, one associated as far back as the last (we wish) Bush Administration and Franklingate (the infamous pedophile ring associated then with the religious money laundering arm of Bush Inc.)

Please feel free to pass this on and DO let me know if you need a forum to rant
about a subject near and dear to your heart, that will help in restoring American democracy and arrest this cabal of crooks, pedophiles, homophobes and liars.

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While the corporate owned media replay the Bush mime, the internet is STILL justifiably buzzing with the Gannongate story.

I mean, at a time of war, isn't it prudent to NOT involve oneself with hookers, or a possible situation that could involve blackmail ? Instead this White House actively solicited one as a news fake news reporter.

I've included small excerpts and some photos from a variety of sites - just for fun.
The truth is so interesting - isn't it?

An unknown reporter named Jeff Gannon/James Guckert was allowed into the White House Press Corp, and quickly became a star. Ari Fleischer, who was White House Press Secretary at the time, ok'ed it.

Gannon had no history, no journalistic credentials, and no training whatsoever. He immediately jumped to the 'Front of the line', guiding press conferences to focus on Bush's agendas.

This 'Boy genius' rapidly becomes a celebrity, and the rage on all the talk shows.

a profile:

1957 ..."Jeff Gannon" born James Dale Guckert

1980 .....Graduates West Chester College TKE fraternity

1980...... A teacher in PA public schools

1983 .....Falsified being in the Marine Corps Reserves

1996.....Charged for not paying taxes

1997....Incorporates 'Bedrock corporation' in Delaware

2002....Washington bureau chief of Talon News

2005.... Uncovered by mysterious internet source


Then, from this link

He also made a curious cameo appearance in the Valerie Plame controversy. In late 2003, Mr. Guckert called former Ambassador Joseph Wilson. During that interview, the Talon correspondent mentioned a C.I.A. document that supposedly showed Ms. Plame had dispatched Mr. Wilson, her husband, on a government mission to Niger to investigate. How that memo was obtained by Guckert is of considerable interest in terms of national intelligence and what is leaked to the press by whom.

I encourage everyone to explore, run your own searches, become your own investigative reporter. Our ability to see through the the smoke screen being presented by mainsteam media, could never be more critical. It is time to grow up, take the blinders off, and let it go...the government is corrupt beyond belief and has been taken over by criminals.

John Kerry tried to show us the level of corruption

An excerpt:

Oct. 25, 2004 In December 1985, when Brian Barger and I wrote a groundbreaking story for the Associated Press about Nicaraguan Contra rebels smuggling cocaine into the United States, one U.S. senator put his political career on the line to follow up our disturbing findings. His name was John Kerry.

Yet, over the past year, even as Kerry's heroism as a young Navy officer in Vietnam has become a point of controversy, this act of political courage by a freshman senator has gone virtually unmentioned, even though -- or perhaps because -- it marked Kerry's first challenge to the Bush family.

In early 1986, the 42-year-old Massachusetts Democrat stood almost alone in the U.S. Senate demanding answers about the emerging evidence that CIA-backed Contras were filling their coffers by collaborating with drug traffickers then flooding U.S. borders with cocaine from South America.
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It is interesting how John Kerry's actions, at least match his words. He went in good conscience to fight a war, and came back a sad young man, aware of what his country was doing in the name of greed and commerce. He was viciously attacked by the Texas mafia (Swift Boat Veterans swill), while deferral Dick (Cheney) walked from service FIVE TIMES, and we all know the draft dodging, cover up of the placed-president's sordid file with the national guard. They of course tried to set up CBS over that story to distract again from the TRUTH of Bush's actual behavior.

There is a pattern to all this. Someone comes forward to point out criminal behavior and the right wing smear machine of owned media moguls swings into action.

Well have your day mainsteam media...because we bloggers intend to have ours.

Truth to treason. Here is "Bush's Monica Moment" for the WORLD to see. Please pass it on