Christmas With the Dubya Diety

If you are not good little boys and girls, agreeing with everything we say and do, then the Dubya Diety gets weally, weally angry.
If we invade your country - lie down, roll over, play dead.

Ah the sweet smell of oil and war. Dad was right, there is nothing like it. Just like the high of winning a well fought football game. (and certainly closer than you ever came as cheerleader eh W., heh, heh).
Nothing like well-oiled God, surely something Jesus must have mentioned in the bible (or they will make it up).

Ah, the Bush Christmas list of goodwill, having stood down for 9/11, high-fived with Enron, sold American jobs to China and India, and allowed half of Mexico over the border to work as illegal immigrants building New Orleans - what can we say?
I pray Jesus does return - WITH A BROOM - to clear the temple

Jeff could come for Christmas dinner since he has been around for BOTH Bush Administrations.
Franklin gate to Gannon gate. BOTH unreported by the paid off corporate media (of course.)
All we need now to complete the circle of love is Bandar Bush, but I'll do a special on him.
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