Friday, September 23, 2005

When the Army Controls the Weather & Halliburton Does the Clean up

Watching hurricanes swirl in off the coast of the USA I have this tremendous feeling of having been here before...watching a repeat movie from oh, Nixon's era, or Reagan's ..or any of the other eras of corporate criminal negligence that periodically erupt in the USA, creating incredible damage to the country (and the world).

My memory still seems to be intact in some areas and I can remember the U.S. and Russian military claiming to have the ability to seed storm clouds ...oh as far back as the fifties. A quick search revealed a number of worthwhile articles but one in particular from Utne Reader, by investigative reporter Bob Fitrakis. He states:

The military is not attempting to hide its long-term goals. "Weather is a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025" is a white paper that can be found on a Pentagon-sponsored website. The paper’s abstract reads: "In 2025, U.S. aerospace forces can ‘own the weather’ by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies towards fighting applications. Such a capability offers the war fighters tools to shape the battle space in ways never before possible… In the U.S., weather modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications."

Wired magazine wrote about the paper and extensively quoted physicist Bernard Eastlund in its January 2000 article "Activate Cloud Shield! Zap a Twister!" The article detailed the military’s plan for "made-to-order thunderstorms" and "lightning strikes on demand."

Eastlund managed programs for Controlled Thermal Nuclear Research for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission from 1966 to 1974; he was a key researcher in the 1980s’ Strategic Space Initiative (aka Star Wars). Since 1996, Eastlund served as CEO and president of Eastlund Scientific Enterprises Corporation. The company boasts on its website that it specializes in "weather modification" and "tornado modification" among other high-tech services.

....more at the link above

Halliburton and the army seem irreparably linked, from the war in Iraq to a disaster in the Gulf. Numerous sites claim that the delay in Louisiana was caused by the Feds (Bush team) demanding Federal control of the rebuild before they would go into help at the sites.

FEMA was turning away the Red Cross, and holding back other aid agencies. WHY? The following week we learned that a contract for clean up was soon given to Kellog, Root & Brown the Halliburton owned subsidiary working extensively in Iraq (rebuilding oil fields).

Yep when the army controls the weather and Halliburton does the clean up you can expect to be at war and have a lot of bad weather for some time to come.